My story

My mystical side all started when I went through what's called an "awakening ". 

I moved Into my new house with my daughter and my dog. I felt called to the spiritual realm and became more drawn to mystical side of things. 

I started seeing black floating shadows that looked like the outlining of people. 

Started receiving messages telepathically. I would first hear a name and then a message. This message that came through felt like a big weight on my shoulders but once I delivered this message,  I felt light as a feather again. I thought I was going insane. I woken up saying to myself what is wrong with me? What's my life purpose? Why have I been brought here to this earth plane. 

One thing lead to another and started to receive vibrations in my ears along with a whistling noise.  

Was really going through the emotions, at this point I didn't really know how to control my emotions.  I was going through a tough time. 

Recently split up with my daughters farther, lost family members, moved house and changed jobs as I became a single parent. You can imagine the emotions I was going through as well as trying to decorate my home with being on a single income.

Not being able to afford to eat, buy my daughter the things that she needs. Living on a single parent income and trying to pay off debts at the same time. I am so lucky to have my love ones with me along the way, there love and care helped me through and I appreciate them soo much. Words can't even describe how lucky I was to have love one's by my side helping me through.  

While going through all this process,  I ended up in hospital, lost my speech,  lost my mobility and my sense of pride to go with it. Tremors running throughout of my body with severe spasm's. 

This also happened again two years later except this time I got diagnosed with FND. I lost a very close love one to me at this point too, my beautiful nan was in the next bed to me. Supporting each other through the process. Love always pulls through under any circumstance.  

While going through these parts of myself, I decided to Start working on myself. I felt the need to look into self love, self care and this is what started my healing journey ✨️  

I really was working on myself. I started off by working on my mind, body and soul. 

Meditation for the mind,

Exercise for the body,

Soul- something that I was passionate about which was my spirituality and the mysterious side to me. 

I dived within and healed the wounds that was keeping me back from being the best version of me. Closing out cycles to welcome the new. I managed to start to become a lot more aware of myself and was able to talk and gain some control back into my life. Meditation helps with my nervous system along with all the healing work I was doing. 

This is when I started Tapping into my gifts a lot more and learning a lot more about myself. I decided to set up my own business called stepintotheunknownwithdanielle.

Giving readings to help people step out of the darkness and into the light. I was healing myself as well as healing others along the way. 

I was always the one to put myself last and put others needs before me. When I look back now, I really don't know how I managed to create all of my business along with everything I was going through but with hope, faith and positive affirmations I got through with the help off all of you with your support along the way.

Using grounding exercises to help me get to the next faze of my life. 

This past year has been eventful. Possession really does take over your whole being. It's like being put in a trans state of being practically all day everyday if you don't put in those grounding exercises and don't practice your awareness then this can lead to so much more deeper than you can imagine. 

When these shadows leave your body, you will look as if you have passed out, your eyes close and all you can see is darkness. If this does happen please say the Lords prayer- parms 23 over and over, ask your angels of light to come forth to help you. Your breathing may become slower but don't worry because you will become back around. Ask for protection everyday and as hard as it is, try to look for the positives, positivity gets you through the toughest of times 😇 

I do try to pull myself out of this mode but there's only so much you can do before things do really start to fester. Going through this as well as trying to keep up with my life and heal at the same time with little no sleep can be very draining but if you work with your energy levels this will help you massively. 

As you can see I'm am still going through this process but I have got onto the signs and signals to bring awareness to you all that this is real and hope you have gained more knowledge by understanding that these things do happen. When you have awareness,  knowledge,  strength you can then start taking action on how to get yourself out of this situation. 

I am still learning now but this has been me for over 1 year and if this is something that you have knowledge about then please feel free to share on my blog within this website to bring more knowledge and understanding to others. Speak up and speak your truth as this is one of the things that lesser evil will stop you from doing. 

You feel like as if know one understands what your going through or they will think that your going insane so you manage to keep your mouth shut because you don't want people thinking that your going insane but the truth is this is, the best thing you can ever do for yourself is to speak up and ask for the emotional support along with writing down your thought processes. 

Trying to seperate what's yours and what's there's is a very good way to get you though the process. 

I am here right now, still dealing with this situation, healing and helping you all along the way with my courage and strength, to help you see that there is light at the end of the tunnel as long as you have faith and trust you can get through anything.  

Here is the signs that you have negative attachment or being possessed.... 

Smoking like a chimney/ addictions.
Body cleanliness, can't keep up.
Routines become stagnant.
A lot of stagnant energy. Not moving forward,  not moving backwards. Your just stuck.
You stay in more than usual. Don't feel the need to go out.
Finding yourself running around like a headless chicken all the time, can't stay still. Your body is knackered.
Running nose.
Smelling a rusty smell
They play through people to try and get to you. For example- you don't want an alcoholic drink and your friend knows that but tries to push it on you anyway.
Your disconnected with your intuition
Your crown chakra through your thoughts, you think it's your intuition but its not, it's the other entity putting thoughts, ideas into your mind to make you believe that, that is your intuition. Know the difference between your thoughts to your feelings and ground your energies first before making any decisions.  
They block your sacral chakra so you can't feel.
They block your heart to stop you from feeling love, try to stop you from living your best life. Peace, freedom. Love, laughter.
After yoga, you feel like you can feel your skin again, you look in the mirror and think ow I am here. You may get emotional at this point as this part can be traumatic.  
Your eyes light up and become much whiter and wider when your speaking about something positive.  It looks like your on drugs or something. 
You have been diagnosed with FND- through my experience this is due to trauma but I think it goes much deeper than that and I think it's the possession of the body that also puts you in that state.
If you have had an operation, this is how they get in. They pray on the vulnerable. 
Itching, scratchings, Eczema- salt bath will sooth this and will heal you.
Voice changes (tones, crockynes, loosing your voice and you gain multiple personalities. 
Your animals become scared of you for example,My dog puts his tail underneath him when I go near him.
Your house seems to feel a lot more heavier,  this is due to portals being open in your house.
You feel like you have been put in this box or your body feels restricted, feels tight and feels like you can't breathe. 

Feeling like your a zombie, walking around with very little emotion. 

Negative thought patterns.

feeling like your soul is somewhere else. 

distance yourself from your love ones. 

eating habits, you forget to eat or eating to many take aways. 

you feel like you cant speak up and speak your truth. 

effects within your nervous system. 

memory loss.

find it hard to stay in the present moments.  

the possession can get you to do negative things or say negative things. Starts to control your mind. Sometimes you may think that this is your intuition talking. 

find it hard to stay balanced in all areas of your life. 

your oxygen to breathe becomes much slower. Having problems with your chest. 


Find it hard to keep motivated, you find it hard to keep on top of your house clean. 

sleep patterns- nightmares, putting fear within your mindset.  

drinking alcohol more than usual. 

your finances becomes out of balance. 

shakiness, tremors.

these are the things you can do to protect your energetic field.... 

grounding exercises every single day- meditation,  yoga- helps flush shadows out of your system, brings you back to your true core. Hugging a tree and connecting with mother earth. 

positive affirmations ever single day. When your wnergies feel low, use discernment.  

putting neutriance into your diet will help keep your energy levels raised. 

connecting with love ones on a regular basis.

Try to stay balanced in all aspects of your life. 

asking yourself what is yours and what isnt will bring you that self awareness so you can overcome. 

getting enough sleep.

have regular hot salt baths every week to balance out your chakras.  

connecting with your angels, guides, the highest criste of light on a regular basis.  

focusing on your creativity,  your passions, things that light you up within will bring positivity into your life. 

making sure your having enough rest, letting your body recharge.  

bringing in mind, body and soul every single day. 


I hope this helps you become more aware of possession, negative attachments and may help you along your process 🙏 

I do have a blog through here so if you have any experiences like this or you have experienced these signs/ signals then please do speak up on my blog as this will help othees speak there truth too. 

Anymore on healing tips, tricks, protecting your energies or even ways to reach your higher self and manifest the life of your dreams then please grab yourself "Reset" within my booking system as this will help you along your way 😇  

walking my next chapter of my life with all you with your love and support I can keep moving forward knowing that this is my truth and I am blessed to have all you by my side supporting me, helping me and cheering me on while guiding you in the process and helping you see your truest potential, your true worth at your core. Stay blessed ❤️